Hi! My name is Yang and I’m a dodgeballer from DC. I started playing the winter of 2010 in a local sports league and haven’t stopped since! I fell in love with both the sport and the people I’ve met through the sport. When not playing dodgeball you can find me at local craft shows on the weekends selling handmade items from recycled games and toys. During the week I work on a weekly chemistry magazine designing conceptual art, covers, and info graphics. My 9-5 helps with the bills from travelling and playing in dodgeball tournaments. 🙂
The last 3 years I’ve tried to play in as many tournaments as I can. Playing in tournaments opens up the opportunity to grow the sport and meet new people. In 2014 I travelled with a team to play dodgeball in New Zealand. Meeting people from around the world who love the sport as much as I do was refreshing and exciting. I think we all want to see dodgeball become an Olympic sport. Can you imagine watching people flip, dodge, dive, and launch balls at each other? I can. The bigger the sport grows the more we challenge ourselves.
I’m beyond excited to be on the USA team going to Manchester. Proud to have been selected to help represent the USA in England. Can’t wait to meet more dodgeballers! Go TEAM USA!